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IPMAT Dropper Strategy: Know The Preparation Tips For IPMAT Repeaters


The IPMAT stands for Integrated Program in Management Aptitude Test which is the one of the most popular test for the aspirants who wish to get into the five year Integrated Program in Management which is conducted by the IIM Indore and IIM Rohtak. In case you will be putting up your shot in 2025, you are not alone here! Preliminary analysis reveals that many students prefer to defer a year to improve their standard and get their desired result.


Why Dropping a Year for IPMAT Can Be Worth It

Taking a gap year to prepare for IPMAT can be beneficial if you:

  •         Feel like refreshing your basics of Quantitative Ability (QA) or Verbal Ability (VA).
  •         In the previous attempt, I could not prepare enough partly because of the time factor limiting the preparation to the last hours.
  •         Am particular about IPMAT and do not wish to take any academic subjects at the same time.

However there is a need to take this decision with a lot of planning and strategizing with a view of actually achieving this.



Analyzing the Challenges Faced by Repeaters

Before diving into preparation, it’s crucial to understand the unique challenges repeaters face:

Challenge Solution
Managing self-doubt Focus on consistent efforts and track your improvement.
Lack of structured study plan Create a detailed timetable (shared later in the article).
Monotony and burnout Include short breaks and fun activities to keep yourself motivated.
Difficulty in identifying weak areas Analyze your past performance to identify areas requiring more attention.

By addressing these challenges early on, you’ll be in a better position to maximize your preparation.


IPMAT 2025 Preparation Strategy for Repeaters

  1. Analyze Your Previous Attempt

The first step to understanding why your previous marketing attempt failed is to analyze why it happened. Focus on the following:

  •         Section-wise performance: Was QA your weak area? Were the VA questions taxing your time?
  •         Exam strategy: Were you short of time or tried the wrong questions?
  •         Conceptual clarity: Did the student have flaws in grasping simple concepts of lessons?

This gives you a clear picture; and from this analysis, proceed to adopt a preparation plan that fits a particular situation.


  1. Strengthen Your Basics

Thus, for repeaters in particular, knowing and exercising basic concepts essentially contributes to better outcomes. Here’s how:

Quantitative Ability:

  • Focus on foundational topics like Arithmetic, Algebra, and Geometry.
  • Practice solving problems daily to improve speed and accuracy.

Verbal Ability:

  • ·       Read newspapers and books in order to develop a proper set of words in your vocabulary.
  • ·       Read comprehension should be also incorporated together with cognitive exercises related to para jumbles to improve the general logical procedures in writing.


3. Create a Detailed Study Plan

Consistency is key for repeaters. A structured timetable will ensure you cover all topics while leaving ample time for practice and revision. Below is a sample 3-month plan:

Month Focus Area Tasks
Month 1 Strengthening basics Review Arithmetic, Algebra, Grammar, and RC.
Month 2 Topic-specific practice Attempt sectional tests for QA and VA.
Month 3 Full-length mocks and revision Take mock tests and analyze mistakes.

This plan can be customized based on your strengths and weaknesses.


  1. Focus on Time Management

Effective time management can make or break your performance in IPMAT. Here’s how to practice it:

  • Allocate fixed time limits to solve mock tests and stick to them.
  • Use timers while solving individual sections to mimic exam conditions.
  • Identify time-consuming topics and focus on improving speed.


  1. Take Regular Mock Tests

This is where mock tests become part and parcel of your preparation. As a repeater, aim to:

  •         Writing 1 to 2 mock tests in the beginning and gradually increasing the frequency near the test time.
  •         Take the advantage of mocks and try different things with it like trying to do the easier parts first.
  •         Doing so will ensure that you completely comprehend your mistakes in every test you take.


Mock Test Element Ideal Frequency
Sectional Tests 2-3 times per week
Full-Length Mock Tests 1-2 times per week
Test Analysis After every mock test


  1. Revise Regularly

It also eliminates confusion for repeaters and ensures the retention of concepts therein as the reviewing process is done.

  •         The last 2-3 weeks before the exam should be spent revising only.
  •         Formulae and vocabularies require use of short notes and flashcards.
  •         This is why it is recommended to solve questions of the type once and build some sort of confidence.



Strategies for IPMAT 2025 Repeater

  1. Track Progress: Use a preparation diary to record what has been taught in class, the test scores and areas to be worked on.
  2. Stay Consistent: It is unworthy to read in preparation for long durations; it’s better to read continuously; improvement is gradual.
  3. Leverage Technology: For learning of the vocabulary, use applications such as Quizlet while practicing with online tools for tests.
  4. Stay Motivated: Try to focus on that goal and remember, it’s always good to have some reward and think of motives after some progress has been made.



Common Mistakes to Avoid as a Repeater

  1. Neglecting Mock Test Analysis: Sitting for mocks without assessing them is a loss of potential resources. Consistently take a look at mistakes and emphasize on low spots.
  2. Overemphasis on One Section: Try to maintain a near perfect balance between answers you choose for QA and those which you write yourself for VA sections.
  3. Ignoring Health: Pressure of work and other activities requires formulation of proper regime that comprises exercise, proper diet and adequate sleep.


Sample Mock Test Analysis Table

Mock Test Overall Score QA Score VA Score Time Taken (mins) Mistakes Identified
Mock Test 1 180/240 90/120 90/120 120 Skipped Geometry questions
Mock Test 2 200/240 100/120 100/120 115 Slow RC comprehension
Mock Test 3 190/240 95/120 95/120 118 Incorrect Grammar answers




The accelerated IPMAT model of learning is challenging, but by decoupling it by a year, one can embark on a risk and reward strategy as long as the year off is pursued with planning and purpose. First of all, being a repeater, your main task is to review your blunders, make your slender points much stronger and practice a lot. By doing so, the chances of success in IPMAT 2025 should be greatly improved as per the pointers made in this article.

I hope you don’t forget that success is not an overnight thing, it is a slow, hard work, perseverance and self-confidence. Your dream of molding that perfect score in IPMAT is not impossible as long as you have the right attitude towards preparation.


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