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IPMAT 2023 Final Cut-Off | IPMAT Indore & Rohtak

IPMAT 23 Final Cut Off


IPMAT Cutoff 2023

The cutoff will be accessible to applicants who intend to take the IPMAT in 2023 via the official IIM Indore website, You must pass both the sectional and overall cutoffs to be considered for the next round of admissions.

Category Cut-off Marks
General 189
NC-OBC 102
SC 76
ST 61
EWS 130
PwD 90


Other Institute Cutoffs

IIFT 150 180 120 90 80 50
IIM Ranchi 135 165 105 75 65 55
NALSAR 90 120 70 40 40 30


IPMAT 2023 Cut off Dates

Candidates should make sure they don’t miss any deadlines by double-checking the IPMAT 2023 cutoff dates. IIM Indore (Indian Institute of Management) will release the IPMAT 2023 cutoff scores for each category. Below is a table listing the dates for the 2023 IPMAT Cutoff.


IPMAT cut off 2023: Important Dates

Events Dates
IPMAT 2023 Exam Date June 16, 2023
IPMAT 2023 result declaration Last week of June 2023
Release of IPMAT 2023 cutoff To be announced
Selection Procedure To be announced



Expected IPMAT Indore Cut Off 2023

The expected IPMAT Indore sectional cut off for the GEN category is listed below. 

  • Quantitative Aptitude Section (Short Answer) = 24 Marks
  • Quantitative Aptitude Section (MCQ) = 55 Marks 
  • Verbal Ability = 125 Marks
  • Total cut off =204 Marks

Final IPMAT Indore Cut Off 2023

Shortly after the IPMAT Indore results are announced, the exact cut off will be made public. 


IPMAT Rohtak Cut Off 2023

To find out if you have been shortlisted for the PI Round, look at the table below for the IPMAT Rohtak cut off for 2023. 

Category Minimum cut off marks Female Male Total
GEN 409 119 204 323
EWS 376 16 52 68
NCOBC 349 51 117 168
SC 274 27 72 99
ST 201 19 28 47
DAP-GEN 238 5 11 16
DAP-NCOBC 91 3 5 8
DAP-SC 91 0 1 1
DAP-ST 91 1 0 1
  Total 241 490 731

IPMAT Cut Off Marks 2022

One of the exam’s high cut-off years was IPMAT 2022. We are all aware that the exam pattern was slightly changed last year, making the exam more challenging. 

IPM Indore and Rohtak have different exam formats.

Please take note that the IPMAT Indore and Rohtak exam schedule does not include WAT.


IIM Indore IPM Cut off 2022

Applicants who received a positive raw score in each of the three sections (one or higher)

Category Female Male Total
EWS 180 482 662
General 4189 5670 9859
NC-OBC 533 1009 1542
PwD 6 38 44
SC 125 245 370
ST 34 42 76
Grand Total 5067 7486 12553

The cut-off scores for IIM Rohtak 2022 are displayed in the table below.

Category Cut Off
General 306
NC-OBC 219
SC 154
ST 66
EWS 261
PwD 185

The IPMAT 2022 cutoff varies for Rohtak and Indore. 

IPMAT Indore Cut-Off 2021

For the IPMAT Sectional Cut Off 2021, see the table below.

Category Quantitative Aptitude (SA) Quantitative Aptitude (MCQ) Verbal Ability Total Cut Off
General 16 21 70 107
NC-OBC 8 9 44 61
ST 4 1 25 30
SC 4 4 31 39
EWS 8 11 51 70
PwD 4 2 25 31


IPMAT Rohtak Cut-Off 2021

There are thousands of applicants, but there are only a small number of seats available for admissions. This makes the IIM IPM program’s selection process difficult.

The IPMAT Rohtak 2021 cut-off scores are listed below.

Category Cut Off
General 265
SC 119
ST 52
EWS 197
PwD 40


Cutoff scores for IPMAT from a prior year

Review the post below for the IPM IIM Indore cut-off from the prior year to improve your preparation.



IPMAT Indore Cut-Off 2020

The table below lists the IPMAT sectional cut off for each category for the aptitude test:

Category Quantitative Aptitude (MCQ) Quantitative Aptitude (SA) Verbal Ability
General 28 25 72
NC-OBC 20 12 38
ST 5 4 16
SC 12 7 32
EWS 20 12 38
PwD 5 5 14


IPMAT Rohtak Cut-Off 2020

The IPMAT Cut Off for 2020 for Rohtak is as follows: 

Category MCQs Cutoff Marks WAT Cutoff Marks
General 144 48
NC-OBC 120 40
SC 96 32
ST 96 32
EWS 120 40
PwD 120 40

 Determinants of IPMAT cut-off marks

When determining the IPMAT cut-off scores, the authority takes into account the following factors:

  • Numerous students taking the exam
  • marking protocol for IPMAT
  • performance of candidates
  • Candidates’ lowest scores on an exam and the average score received
  • The difficulty of the test
  • Seats in all
  • reserving seats
  • Trend from the cutoff in previous years


Knowing the IPMAT cut-off scores can help applicants when organising their studies and selecting which IIM to apply to.

It enables candidates to have reasonable expectations regarding their test results and the IIMs they may be admitted to.

Understanding the cut-off points can inspire you to work harder and aim for a higher grade.

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