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IPMAT 2023 Exam Pattern Check Marking Scheme.

IPMAT 2023 Exam Pattern Check Marking Scheme

Over 20,000 students are anticipated to take the IPMAT this year, making it one of the country’s toughest management exams. The only way to enroll in integrated programmes at the Indian Institute of Management is through the IPMAT exam, which is held at IIM Indore (IIM).


Exam pattern for IPMAT Rohtak 2023 

The IPMAT exam is a national-level entrance test that evaluates a candidate’s aptitude and logical reasoning skills. It consists of two sections, quantitative ability and verbal ability, with a total duration of 2 hours.

IIM Rohtak, IPMAT 2023

Your aptitude, capacity for logical thought, and command of the English language will all be tested. Each of the 120 questions on the IPMAT Rohtak question paper is worth 4 marks. Additionally, there is a -1 point deduction for each question that is incorrectly answered. The questions will all have multiple choices.

Section No. of questions Time Limit
Quantitative ability 40 40 mins
Logical reasoning 40 40 mins
Verbal ability 40 40 mins

Only candidates who achieve a score greater than the IPMAT cutoff will be invited to the personal interview. The interviewers evaluate your academic performance, general knowledge, and communication abilities.

IIM Rohtak Marking Scheme for IPMAT 2023

  • In accordance with the IPMAT paper pattern, you will receive four marks for each correct response, and one mark will be subtracted for each incorrect response for the MCQ questions.
  • There won’t be any deductions in grade for the quantitative section’s descriptive type questions.
  • For questions that are not attempted, no points are awarded or subtracted.
Question Marks
Correct Answer +4 Marks
Wrong Answer -1 Mark

Pattern of the IPMAT Indore 2023 Exam

For the IPMAT Indore Entrance Exam 2023, the Indian Institute of Management will use the same paper format as in 2019. IIM Indore’s aptitude test consists of 100 questions, 60 of which are from the quantitative ability section (including MCQs and short answers) and 40 from the verbal ability section. To understand the key differences between the IPMAT exam pattern this year and last, look at the table below.

Parameters IPMAT 2023 Exam Pattern (Disclosed)
Number of stages Aptitude Test and Personal Interview
Number of questions 100
IPMAT Total Marks 400

Pattern of Questions for the IPMAT 2023 Aptitude Test

The IPMAT 2023 exam has three sections:

-> Quantitative Ability (MCQ)

-> Quantitative Ability (SA)

-> Verbal Ability

  • The exam will take place online.
  • Two hours, or 120 minutes, are allotted for the exam.
  • In both sections, there is a -1 penalty for each incorrect response.


Sections Quantitative Ability Quantitative Ability Verbal Ability
Question Type Objective Type Questions(MCQ) Descriptive Type (Short Answers) Objective Type Questions(MCQ)
Number of Questions 40 20 40
Maximum Marks 160 80 160
Time Duration 40 mins 40 mins 40 mins


Time Duration for IPMAT 2023

According to the guidelines for the IPMAT Exam Pattern 2023, the exam lasts for 120 minutes, or 2 hours.

  • Each section has a time limit that applies to it.
  • The verbal ability section will last 40 minutes, and the quantitative section will last 80 minutes.
  • It would be beneficial if you answered the sections in the prescribed order, which is the same for every candidate taking the exam.

Sections Included in the IPMAT 2023 Exam

The quantitative sections of the IPMAT Syllabus 2023 cover subjects like average, profit & loss, percent, number series, data interpretation (DI), and logical reasoning. The verbal ability section of the test includes questions on vocabulary, error detection, and reading comprehension.

Marking Scheme for IPMAT Indore 2023

  • For the MCQ questions, four marks will be awarded for each correctly answered question, and one mark will be deducted for each incorrectly answered question in accordance with the IPMAT Paper Pattern.
  • There won’t be any deductions in grade for the quantitative section’s descriptive type questions.
  • For questions that are not attempted, no points are awarded or subtracted.
Question Marks
Correct Answer +4 Marks
Wrong Answer -1 Mark

Exam Pattern for IPMAT in 2023 – Calculation of Composite Score

Read the following points to understand how the Composite Score is calculated using the most recent IPMAT Paper Pattern 2023.

  • Scores for the quantitative section (MCQ) are calculated as follows: 25x[(candidate’s score minus minimum score)/(maximum score minus minimum score)]
  • Scores for the Quantitative Section (SA) are calculated as follows: 25x[(candidate’s score minus minimum score)/(maximum score minus minimum score)]
  • Scores for the verbal portion of the test are calculated as follows: 50x[(candidate’s score minus minimum score)/(maximum score minus minimum score)].



Both the IPMAT Indore and Rohtak exams require different preparations from you. Before you begin your preparation process, make sure you review the exam syllabus and pattern.

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    IIM Rohtak

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