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IPMAT 2023 Exam Day Instructions

IPMAT 2023 Exam Day Instructions

The Indian Institute of Management, Indore (IIM Indore) will administer the IPMAT 2023 for two hours in a single shift using computer-based testing. To make the most of their study time, candidates must plan their approach to the exam day. Make an IPMAT exam day strategy by finishing the IPMAT syllabus at least a week before the test and shifting your attention to reviewing concepts and formulas.

As is common knowledge, how well you prepared for an exam has less to do with how well you perform on it than how well you manage the crucial exam hours. Inadvertently, candidates occasionally end up losing out on significant points by making small, silly mistakes. The computer-based test mode of IPMAT 2023 is anticipated to be used during the second week of May 2023.

 The important IPMAT exam day instructions listed below should not be overlooked by candidates while studying for the exam.

IPMAT 2023: Exam Day Preparation

Below are some exam day tips for the IPMAT 2023:

  • Before beginning the exam, candidates must carefully read all of the instructions on the IPMAT question paper.
  • Considering that the IPMAT 2023 will be given in a computer-based test mode, candidates must get used to onscreen reading.. On the screen, only one question will be displayed at once. 
  • The sectional time limit must be followed by candidates. The IPMAT question paper has four sections, and each section must be answered in 40 minutes.Watch the time very carefully.
  •  Once the allotted time has passed, the section will automatically move on to the next.Once the allotted time has passed, the exam window will close.It is not advisable for candidates to ponder a question in depth.They must move on to the next question if they are unable to answer a particular one.
  • Candidates must also be mindful of the disqualifications. It is preferable to skip a question than to mark an incorrect response. For each incorrect response that the candidate marks, one mark will be subtracted.

IPMAT 2023: Exam Day Guidelines

The following are some crucial IPMAT exam day instructions:

  • Candidates must ensure they have all required documentation before leaving for the IPMAT exam. They must remember to bring two copies of their IPMAT admit card as well as one original and copy of an identity document (such as an Aadhaar card, driver’s licence, voter ID, PAN card, UID card, or college or university ID card). The IPMAT admit card is the most crucial document for candidates to keep on hand because they cannot take the exam without it.
  • The IPMAT 2023 application form must also be kept on file by candidates because it is required for the identification procedure.
  • Candidates are required to arrive at the IPMAT exam site at least an hour prior to the start of the test. The candidate should try to visit the exam centre before the exam day if they are unfamiliar with the location or are new to the city.
  • Candidates are required to have a transparent water bottle, a ballpoint pen, and hand sanitizer. Prior to the exam, they must also put on a mask and a pair of gloves. At all times, they must adhere to the COVID acceptable behaviour.
  • Candidates must refrain from engaging in any type of misconduct or cheating. The candidate will not be allowed to take the exam if caught.

What to Bring and What Not to Bring for the IPMAT 2023 Exam

  • Students frequently neglect to read the instructions listed on the admissions card. One of the key instructions on the admit card states that you shouldn’t bring any jewellery or metallic items, let alone a pen, pencil, or piece of paper, to the exam location.
  • Any type of chain, any type of bracelet, any type of ring, and you cannot wear a belt are just a few items you are not allowed to bring into the exam centre.


  • Students are not permitted to carry watches, smartphones, or even their car or bike keys. Giving them the keys to your car is risky because it is not their responsibility to look at our belongings when they refuse to let you have your bike or car keys, as is sometimes the case. Although they will keep it, it is not secure. 
  • The best option is for you to take a cab, go with a friend, or get some help getting there. You won’t worry about your keys either because they will wait for you in the car.

You shouldn’t have any preconceived ideas about the test format because the IIM Indore IPMAT entrance exam was administered in 2019, and the format hasn’t been updated in the previous two years, so you shouldn’t assume that it will be the same in 2023. You will only learn whether it is the same or different at the time of the exam.


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