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IPMAT 2025 Score and Percentile Calculation: A Comprehensive Guide


When it comes to IPMAT 2025, understanding how your score translates into a percentile is crucial. Your percentile decides your position relative to other aspirants and is often the key determinant in securing an interview call. Let’s break this down step by step.


Understanding IPMAT 2025 Examination

Structure of the IPMAT Exam

The IPMAT exam typically consists of three sections:

  • Quantitative Ability (MCQs)
  • Quantitative Ability (Short Answer)
  • Verbal Ability

Each section carries its own weight, and candidates must excel in all to achieve a competitive overall score.

Marking Scheme

  • Correct Answer: +4 marks
  • Incorrect Answer: -1 mark (in applicable sections)
  • Unattempted: 0 marks


Score Calculation in IPMAT 2025

Section-wise Raw Score Calculation

Your raw score is the sum of the marks obtained in all sections. For example:

Section Total Questions Correct Answers Incorrect Answers Raw Score
Quant (MCQs) 20 16 4 60
Quant (Short Answer) 15 12 3 48
Verbal Ability 25 22 3 86
Total 194


Impact of Negative Marking

For every incorrect answer in sections with negative marking, 1 mark is deducted. Avoid guesswork unless confident.

Normalization of Scores Across Different Shifts

Normalization ensures fairness when multiple shifts with varying difficulty levels exist.


Percentile Calculation in IPMAT 2025

What is a Percentile?

A percentile shows how you performed relative to others. For instance, a 95th percentile indicates that you outperformed 95% of test-takers.

How Percentiles are Calculated

The formula for percentile calculation:

Percentile Rank=Total number of candidates/Number of candidates scoring below you​×100

Relationship Between Raw Scores and Percentiles

Higher raw scores generally correspond to higher percentiles. However, consistency across sections is essential.


Detailed Percentile Data Representation

Sample Percentile Distribution Table

Raw Score Range Percentile
300+ 99.9+
250-299 99-99.9
200-249 95-99
150-199 85-94
100-149 70-84
Below 100 <70


Various factors influencing IPMAT percentiles

Exam Difficulty Levels: Higher cognitive demand is associated with lower raw scores but the same percentage because of the procedure of normalization.

Number of Test-takers: When the candidate pool is large, high percentiles become more competitive.

Performance Across Sections: With the percentile rating, you might do well in one section and badly in another section and this affects your rating.


IPMAT 2025 Score vs Percentile: Decoding the Difference

While the raw score shows how well you performed on a given test your percentile rank is relative. Both do, but in the case of admissions, the percentile tends to be more important.


Significance of IPMAT Scores and Percentiles

Shortlisting for Interviews:

Majority of the institutes have percentiles for interview shortlisting and fixed high cutoffs so that only the best make it to the interview. 

Percentage to be added in final admission cut off:

Percentiles and interview performance both combined to decide the final admission criteria.


Strategies on How to Boost the Score and Percentile

Equitable Distribution of Preparation between Sections:

Divide the time in equal portions for each section. Overlooking one can reduce your percentile by a very big margin. 

Time Management Strategies:

Produce sample papers to be used when practicing time management during the actual test.



This is why the understanding of how scores and percentiles are computed is crucial to planning your IPMAT study. Concentrate on making a few mistakes and strive to achieve an average score on each part of the exam.


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